Youth for Environment Competition

  • Teams

    Upon signing up, we will formulate teams mixing students from different schools and grades. An important part of this competition is being able to combine students from all different backgrounds through their common interests in the environment.

  • Compete

    It all begins with an idea. Upon receiving a prompt your group will be challenged to create a possible solution to the climate-related issue at hand. You could create a business idea, a prototype, or anything else that solves the prompt given. Whatever it is, your solution can make all the difference. Get to innovating!!

  • In the end...

    After your team is confident with your solution and has met several times, all the teams will present their solution to other groups and to a panel of professionals. The panel of judges will then pick a team whose solution is plausible, and who they think answered the prompt well. The winners will then work with the professionals to bring their idea to life.

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